Snow Ball Effect


Monday 30 April 2012

b2st - yo seob to star in A pink's new music video

It’s already been confirmed that A Pink would be making their comeback within the next few weeks, but no further details were really given. However it looks like the girls are in the middle of filming their music video as Director Choi has tweeted a surprise picture!

to b2uties ....


i have a boyfriend name Yang Yoseob….
i heard BEAST called me BAD GIRL…
i was SHOCK at that time…
i felt like i can’t BREATH…
i’m asking this all FICTION…
but the answer is all of this is THE FACT…
i sing OASIS song to relax my mind..
it seems like BEAST IS THE BEST…
i tried to SAY NO but i can’t…
i tried to stop LOVING YOU FOREVER…
but my heart keep asking me to BACK TO YOU…
BEAST…how you can book my heart so EASY…
BEAST…you so SPECIAL for me…
i’m really CRAZY of you..
hope that you guys don’t BREAK DOWN my heart .. again.

Only B2UTIES can understand this. :)


b2st yo seob mode on smile :3

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i love the ways he kill me

Sunday 29 April 2012

jom layan picture nie ...

ari nie aku x tau nak post apa...tapi aku nak post jugak...tadi aku tengok satu web ini and aku jumpa pictures b2st...mestilah kan...aku nie b2uty ,, kalau jumpa pictures yang best sure aku ambik letak kat sini , , jom kita layan pictures nie....

kalau tengok picture sure la try tengok muka doo jon cover serius kan....boleh pulak jun hyung buat "peace" sign kat blakang ....

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nak x3....mana leh dapat ehk ???
