Snow Ball Effect


Tuesday 9 October 2012

‎[CAFE] 121009 B2st Yoseob's post "가나다라마바사아자차카타파하"

Korean. How beautiful it is.

Perhaps because there is so much destroyed Korean these days..

Korean day feels more precious.
Of course it's not that I want to say something inflexible..ㅋㅋ
I ㅋㅋ also laugh like this and I use the word menboong*
And I also say B2ut as a short form for B2UTY.

However! I wish that we become beasts(B2ST) and beauties(B2UTYS) that love Korean a bit more!ㅎㅎ

Hm.. No more talk about Korean day!

Tomorrow BEAST will ride a plane for the Japanese tour.
I ride planes often seems harder to board one this time..ㅋㅋ
To be honest I think I'm scared of all the performances will be doing for 3 weeksㅜ
Can't believe I feel scared first..ㅋㅋ
Also the big event of our 3 year anniversary..with that coming up my heart feels heavier.
I've said in a magazine interview once "I feel like a boyfriend who is going to work on his anniversary with his girlfriend."
Me and everyone else in BEAST feels regretful..
You'll probably be really upset and sad but.. forgive us just this once.


We'll work hard!
We'll eat ramen and eat well.
Bellflower root, pear extract, fruit of Maximowiczia typica we're taking it all so
I'll take care of my throat well so it doesn't wear out!

Don't worry!!!!!!

We'll come back soon!!

Note: I did not translate the title of this post because it is the Korean alphabet :)
*Menboong is internet slang that means mind blown 


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