Snow Ball Effect


Wednesday 17 October 2012

121016 b2st Yoseop Fancafe post, “Because it’s the 3rd-year anniversary”

I’m writing 3rd in place not because it’s our 3rd-year anniversary.
I was the world’s number one, most tired man yesterday, so,
I fell asleep after washing up while hugging onto my notebook. Well,

that’s right..Actually I was sleepy and no cool words came to mind so I gently closed my notebook.
Even so, today’s our 3rd-year anniversary!
It’s not like I’m late?keke

Here…let me get to the point
To me, this three years have been short!
Made our debut! Promoted our songs and achieved number one! We even received daesang..
And even had our tour this and that, overseas promotions.. etc etc etc
Looking back, BEAST has achieved many things.. as well as results!
However, we are BEAST that still has many more pages to write out.
Please give us your support right till the end and
I hope you guys can see BEAST at the dinner show during our 30th-year anniversary,kekekekekekekekekeke

Everyone’s love.. everyone’s interest
is what made today’s BEAST, and today’s Yang Yo Seop.
Thank you very very much.

Today’s yet another day with a show!!
I’m hanging in better than I thought I’d be and I’m surprised myself keke

Anyhow, thank you, and for being unable to be by your sides, I made circles to say “I’m sorry”,,,,
Just to look cool..kekekeke
Thank you!!!!!! B2UTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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