Snow Ball Effect


Thursday 20 September 2012


On September 20th, it was reported by Cube Entertainment that, “Hyunseung’s father passed away during the night because of a heart attack.”

Cube Entertainment continued and said that, “Hyunseung was shocked after hearing the news, as his father had no history of any long term illness. He (Hyunseung) is currently with his his mother and younger sister.”

His fathers body is located at a hospital in Gyeonggi Provence until the funeral, which is to be be held on September 22nd. Due to this unfortunate event, BEAST will be putting a halt on their schedules for the time being to pay respects to their fellow members father.

May we offer our greatest condolence both to Hyunseung and his family in this time of sadness.

Please B2UTYs and even non-B2UTYs, give some encouragement to B2ST's Hyunseung for him. He needs love and support at this very moment. His father passed away  due to a heart attack.
I can't stop crying :''''(

I’m pretty worried about Hyunseung actually. Ofc b2st and the others will be supporting him during this painful period of time. But Hyunseung is the type that keeps to himself and suffer all the pain in silence.. I can simplywish his family and him all the best cause I’m like 926837106292 miles away from there :(

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