Snow Ball Effect


Saturday 29 September 2012

B2st Yang Yo Seob delete his twitter account again????

Where are you @Itzmeys? :'(

It’s gone - once again.
Yoseob deleted his twitter account @itzmeys due to personal reasons.
Did someone hurt him again? 

so Yoseob confirmed that he deleted his twitter account due to some personal issue and ask not to worry about him. and he said good luck! 
he wrote that at playb2st cafe...

I just saw this info. I can't believe this. I actived my twitter just because of them esp. him. what do you think is the reason?

I myself is super sad that yoseob deleted his twitter account.
and i'm sure all of us are...

but as you all can see, it's yoseob's own decision.
we all ask 'why? why you delete?'..
only yoseob knows the answer..but he choose not to say anything in details, just that it's his personal reason..

as much as we hope he will be back on twitter, we should accept his decision (i know it's super hard to accxept it T__T)

so, i would not encourage anyone to trend #ComeBackitzmeys..

@helloimys still exist. even though yoseob no longer tweet from it, lets hope he will still see our tweets to him, to that account...

Omg! What happen to   Yo Seob's twitter? Where are you @Itzmeys? :'(


allkpop previously reported that the members of B2ST would be featured as characters in their own action fantasy comic series.

Now, their character designs in ‘The Beast – Destiny’s Beginning‘ have been revealed, giving fans a better idea as to how the members will appear in the manhwa. The artist Jena, known for her previous work ‘19 and 21‘ and ‘Girl the Wilds‘, used B2ST’s latest concept photos for inspiration.

In the comic, Doojoon is a soccer star with amazing athletic abilities, Hyunseung is a dancer who possesses the power of teleportation and a “4D” personality, Junhyung is a quiet introvert with the ability to mind read, Yoseob creates illusions with his singing voice, Kikwang has the power of telekineses, and maknae Dongwoon is a college student with a perfect photographic memory. The six members will come together to use their powers for good.

Kikwang and Junhyung’s characters in particular will be involved in a love triangle as they go after the same woman, while Doojoon and Junhyung will be roommates and rivals.

The first of six volumes of the series is scheduled to be released on August 22nd.

Thursday 20 September 2012


On September 20th, it was reported by Cube Entertainment that, “Hyunseung’s father passed away during the night because of a heart attack.”

Cube Entertainment continued and said that, “Hyunseung was shocked after hearing the news, as his father had no history of any long term illness. He (Hyunseung) is currently with his his mother and younger sister.”

His fathers body is located at a hospital in Gyeonggi Provence until the funeral, which is to be be held on September 22nd. Due to this unfortunate event, BEAST will be putting a halt on their schedules for the time being to pay respects to their fellow members father.

May we offer our greatest condolence both to Hyunseung and his family in this time of sadness.

Please B2UTYs and even non-B2UTYs, give some encouragement to B2ST's Hyunseung for him. He needs love and support at this very moment. His father passed away  due to a heart attack.
I can't stop crying :''''(

I’m pretty worried about Hyunseung actually. Ofc b2st and the others will be supporting him during this painful period of time. But Hyunseung is the type that keeps to himself and suffer all the pain in silence.. I can simplywish his family and him all the best cause I’m like 926837106292 miles away from there :(

Monday 17 September 2012

B2ST to hold showcase for the release of ‘bodyART’ DVD

Having been selected as the endorsement models for ‘bodyART‘ earlier this year, B2ST is getting for the release of the DVD, ‘B2ST bodyART‘.

To commemorate the upcoming release, the boys will be holding a showcase on the 19th along with the originators of ‘bodyARt’, Robert Steinbacher and Alexa Lê. ‘bodyART‘ is a European style of fitness that combines the key points of Yoga, Pilates, stretching, and more, receiving spotlight all over the world.

At the showcase, B2ST will be revealing the footage they shot back in June, and their bodies that have been sculpted with ‘bodyART’ will be revealed through the clip as well.

The DVD will be released this month in Japan first, followed by the October release in Korea.

2012 October is BEAST's 3rd year anniversary and Ceci's 18 year anniversary.

‎[TRANS] Ceci: 2012 October is BEAST's 3rd year anniversary and Ceci's 18 year anniversary. First, say a word of thanks to the fans who loved you for the past 3 years!

Doojoon: It felt like a long time passed, and it feels like time passed by in a blink of an eye. I want to say please continue to support us to the fans who will stay together with us for even longer.

Kikwang: I'm amazed that the group BEAST has been around for 3 years. The time we spent together brought me happiness and I'm always thankful to the fans. There are a lot of good singers but, on the road of choices they didn't leave and stayed with us. (laughs) 

Yoseob: Unfortunately on the day of our 3rd year anniversary we're going to be overseas. I feel like a boyfriend who has to work on an anniversary. I'm very sorry. Our hearts are heavy as well so, please don't be too upset.

Junhyung: As Korean singers, we are working hard to spread our songs and contents overseas so, I hope you think of us proudly. We'll work harder.