Snow Ball Effect


Friday 24 August 2012


To those that curious about what had happen to Doojoon and why so many people being mad/angry at him, you can read the article at allkpop.

After reading the allkpop article, I hope you all will read this too. Doojoon had been such a great leader all the way to protect BEAST members and now he had been attack. 



What are you doing? Are you seriously threatening to leave the fandom? Do you seriously want to kick Doojoon out of BEAST?

You really must not know anything about BEAST then. Do you know why people love BEAST so much? Because BEAST is not Doojoon, Hyunseung, Junhyung, Yoseob, Kikwang, and Dongwoon. Beacuse BEAST is an entity. One Being. BEAST is so loved because we need all the members to make BEAST. 
Every member is valued. Every member is needed. 

If you don’t understand that, then your opinion about this incident holds no grounds, holds no value to me and to me if you don’t know that simple fact about BEAST then you’re just an arbitrary observer with little knowledge who is doing very HEAVY AND HURTFUL DAMAGE. 

“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.”

Now. For the self-proclaimed B2UTIES who are threatening to leave the fandom: What’s wrong with you? Doojoon does one thing that some people might construe as disrespectful and instead of being logical and in the least bit supportive, you lash out against him. He is only human. He does one thing wrong and you suddenly forget about all the good things he’s done? 

I can’t believe I’m having to remind you of all that Doojoon has done and all that he’s meant to BEAST. 

1. Doojoon, our leader who wiped the tears of his members when they had their first win. 

2. Doojoon, our leader, who knows virtually everything about our little Kikwang. Including his allergies, the nature of his allergic reactions, the first day he met him, and even how many days it has been since AJ’s debut. 

3. When Kikwang got hurt, Doojoon was always very protective of Kikwang and that was obvious. Even if he was a little playful about it, it doesn’t erase that fact that Doojoon was caring and protective. 

4. Doojoon, our leader, who takes such good care of our precious baby Yoseob. And Yoseob who, even after a fortune teller told him that Doojoon and his personalities were mismatched, insisted that they were actually a very good match (3:40)

5. Doojoon, our leader, who always helps our princess Seung. 

6. Doojoon, our leader, who is Hyunseung’s biggest fan.

7. Doojoon, our leader, who couldn’t sleep when Dongwoon was taking his entrance exams.

8. Doojoon, our leader, who gave his bag to Dongwoon.

9. Doojoon, our leader, who together with Dongwoon composed and performed “When The Door Closes”

10. Doojoon, out leader, who gives our chic Junhyung piggy back rides.

11. Doojoon, our leader, who Junhyung goes to when he’s a bit shy.

12. Doojoon, our leader, who went to Africa to volunteer and help the villages there with anything they needed wether that be digging up a well, helping to get food, or just showing a child their reflection for the first time.

I could go on. Do you get it now? Just because he made one mistake in your eyes, you’re going to completely forget about everything good that he has done??

Doojoon, our leader, who has done nothing but care for b2uties, who has done nothing but try to keep BEAST together and now some of you want him out? ANd now some of you are threatning him by saying that you’ll leave the fandom? You’re crazy. Doojoon could’ve taken many routes as an idol. He didn’t have to stick to singing. He had opportunities to become and actor, to become a host full-time, but in every interview he would always repeatedly state that nothing was more important to him than being a singer, and being a part of BEAST. 

Doojoon doesn’t need your hate. Doojoon doesn’t need your criticism. When an MC complimented Doojoon on his leadership abilities Doojoon honestly answered, “Being a leader actually isn’t very hard.” The MC was surprised at his honesty and humbleness and commented “Wow, this kid is really nice.” and to that Doojoon replied “I’m not nice, I’m just being honest.” I remember this from an interview they had sometime during the promotion of Fiction and it really struck a chord with me. 

If you think about it, Doojoon is most noted for his Leadership. Doojoon has always been seen by people in the kpop world as a very capable leader and The MC complimented him on it but he refused to take the very compliment that he so well deserved. That’s being humble. It shows that Doojoon really does evaluate everything he does and everything that he is and everything that he represents so just because he slipped up once doesn’t mean he’s a bad person.

All in all, there is so much good in Doojoon that if you let this one mistake get to you this much then it’s obvious you were never a b2uty in the first place. Stop over-reacting and don’t you remember? 

Don’t you remember everything that Doojoon has been for the group? 

Don’t you remember this? (1:30)

“Doojoon-ah … you have a responsibility because you are the leader. To build the group’s teamwork, the leader has to do his best. You also will have to identify the group’s mood and complete everything. I know you will be a good leader.”

How can you all forget so easily? 

Isn’t it sad that i have to remind some people?

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