Snow Ball Effect


Tuesday 26 June 2012

b2st yoseob twitter update , 26 june 2012 !!!!

120626 Yoseob's tweet:

@itzmeys : 나름 선물이라고 수십장찍어서 한장겨우건진거 시크하게준건데 날거짓말쟁이로몰다니..서운해 삐졌음

[TRANS] I took a few pictures and the one that turned out okay I gave it to you guys as a gift in a chic manner, but you guys corner me as a liar..I'm sad hmph

Source: yoseob's twitter

at first , i don't understand what is that mean....someone call him liar??? what happened exactly....someone doesn't believe that his picture is just taken??? to his tweet, it me upset too...i want to believe him..but i don't understand what happened.....and, i found this

Yoseob's tweet !!

@itzmeys : 아 날씨 괜찮네. 너희 이 사진 가져 키키. 방금찍은고야

[TRANS] @itzmeys Ah the weather is nice. You guys can have this picture. I just took it.

Source: yoseob's twitter

yoseob said that he just took this picture...its about 13 hours ago from this moment before i post this...alright it's look just fine....but his hair color ????he just take a new picture,right???why brown and not red like we all know???

120626 Yoseob's tweet:

헐? 나 진짜오늘 찍은건디?? 나거짓말안함

[TRANS] Hull? I really took that picture today?? I don't lie ㅜ

Source: yoseob's twitter

yoseob keep saying that he really took the picture that day..and he say that he are not lying.....i heard that yoseob hair dyed color can't last longer...the color is easy to turn change...while b2st debuted,he has dyed his hair 8 times !! so ..i think it's the same for this time....think about it anyway.....

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