Snow Ball Effect


Friday 11 May 2012

The short story about Kiwoon [ki kwang & dong woon]

Oh my ! You will probably think it’s boring and pathetic. But yeah, can’t help it I wanted to share this with you :) 

One day Dong Woon decide to find his other half so…

he turned to Jun Hyung

he tried to get close with him

but Jun Hyung was like ‘get of me man’

so he took this failure

after that he turned to Doo Joon

this time he decide to be less agresive but…

 it also failed

it made him sad but he didn’t gave up

this time he turned to Yo Seob

and it seemed to be success but…

unexpectedly Jun Hyung came up …

he took Yo Seob away …

and destoried everything

It hurted but Doon Wong exepted that…

he knew he will find someone else….

He found Gi Kwang…

He cheered him up…

 and that how it started …

it was perfect …


untill someone felt yallous …

Dong Woon knew what will hapened next

Yun Hyung was like ‘what’s the big deal you will find someone else’

and than he started hidding on Gi Kwang

 he tired but…

Gi Kwang wasn’t iterested in him
‘Sorry ain’t gonna happened’ 

and he came back to Dong Woon

The End

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