Snow Ball Effect


Saturday 19 January 2013

**SHORT IMAGERY** Forenote: Replace '_______' with your bias in BEAST~ ♥

You and _______, your boyfriend, are going to the aquarium. On the bus, he pokes you playfully just to annoy you. You try to make him stop, so you grab his ear, but then laughing at his completely 'innocent' disappointed face.
You arrive at the aquarium and buy your tickets to go inside.

"[Your name], let's go find some starfishes!" He says cheekily.
You wondered why he wanted to see the starfishes so badly, when there were so many different unique aquatic animals. But you shake the thought of it and let _____ lead you to them.
You pass by the sharks and he acts scared just so he has an excuse to hug up to you.
You giggle at his childish manner.

You finally reach to the starfishes.
"Starfishes!" He exclaimed. You laugh at him when everyone turns his way. He sticks his face up to the glass, to make you laugh even harder.
"Look at them!" He says, dragging you closer. You both start making funny gestures and faces to get the starfish to move, but it wouldn't budge.
Suddenly, ______ kisses you on the forehead. "You're a starfish."
"W-what does that mean?” You pout.
_____ chuckles and holds your hands.
“Hm... How to put this...You’re a star that glows in my life, you’re pretty like the stars with the moonlight, like the star that makes everyone including me happy and you’re the starfish that I know that will never leave my life.” _____ says in a soft voice.
You blush.
______ wraps his arm around you, cuddling up. “Lets go see the penguins!”

Sunday 13 January 2013

‎130113 - BTOB IlHoon’s Tweet + Selca

말레이로갑니다!!! 화이팅!!

[TRANS] We are going to Malaysia!!! Hwaiting!!

Thursday 10 January 2013

New Song --Prepix (프리픽스) & Yoseob [B2ST] - 돈 들어오면 (When I Get Paid)

Prepix (프리픽스) & Yoseob [B2ST] - 돈 들어오면 (When I Get Paid)

so,,,i really love this song,,,it's so sweet..

Saturday 5 January 2013

Happy Birthday, you piece of perfection! BEAST YANG YOSEOB (01/05/1990)

Happy Birthday Yang Yoseob! You’ve come so far, with a heart full of love, care and determination. You’ve been through

 many tough times, but in the end they all were to your benefit. I mean look at you now! You’ve become one of the best, 

yet you still strive for more. Please don’t stop on your path to ultimate success; you’ve got B2ST and an army of B2uties 

right behind you. Wishing you the best of the best, and may 2013 be your year to shine bright among the stars.

I wish nothing but the very best for you.

Happy Birthday, again Yang Yoseob | 양요섭 ♥♥♥