Snow Ball Effect


Saturday 31 December 2011

sahabat aye


nie kawan-kawan baik aku time kat maktab dulu (yg baju yelloow tu ye)....depa nie sahabat yang baik sangat...kadang lucu orangnya....teringin nak jumpa depa lagi...banyak kenangan kami...mcm,fly prep,riadah...klu ingat balik semua tu aku akan gelak sorang2...h mmm....dah setahun x jmpa...facebook je la yg mnjadi alat penghubung x slalu la time online x sama la katakn....

nie lak classmate aku..sumua gila2 punya orang...class yang ramai cikgu x mau masuk...slalu tidur time cikgu x masuk..termasuk aku...hahahaha...

sebelah farah tu cubemate aku....setahun kami dok satu cube....dia ni slalu bawa kek coklat...banyak...bestnya,nak makan lagi....

time nie da mock nk putus kepala aku....tapi markah aku 80...tinggi jugak la....sbb abg interview baik....abg2 tu senior kitaorang....

nie la kelas kami....semak gila...sbb time dah dekat exam...ramai orang kelam kabut....

nie budak kelas aku time jamuan berpisah...2 cikgu aku nk pindah...cikgu yg best lak tu....

time baru exam last semester.....bersiap sedia utk blik umah.....tu cikgu fizik aku...genius orngnya...sampai aku x faham....

aku x leh lupa semua....senior year...

nie la cubemate aku....semua benda buat skali....gila2 semuanya...

time buat jahat..hari2 terakhir kat maktab....

nie kawan2 aku...

cubemate aku time form 4

nie la aku...

lirik lagu -waiting for the time
Do re mi fa so la ti do ost
Quietly closing my eyes, I see in front of me
What I once tried so hard to forget
Yours and mine, the song
Do you still remember
What we experienced together?
Those happy times?
I can only wait
I can say nothing
Watching your tears flow
We can only love each other
Compared with the pain of regretting you
This is easier
Can you not return to my side?
I should have quietly let you go
As I stood at that place again
Looking at you walking slowly away
Silently crying
In such a cold season
Even if you return once more

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personal taste

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God of study

Mackerel run


My mighty princess

unstoppable marriage

Friday 30 December 2011

Personal taste...

citer nie aku dah abis x tgk lagi...time nk download punyalah nk cepat abis...pastu skarang x tgk pon...entah bilanya nk tgk...tahun dpan agknyer..hahahaha

aku gila citer korea......

God of  study

Mackerel run